Programmer/Analyst III
Years Employed:
August 2006 - present
University of California Office of the President
1111 Franklin Street
Oakland, CA 94607-5200
This job consists of Web and Applications Maintenance, Improvement, and Development, Primarily in a LAMP environment, HTML, XHTML, DHTML. Many of these projects are login protected, where they have public faces, there are Administrative back ends which are protected. Projects include:
Centralized Application Login
This project created a login system for multiple applications, allowing login through the CL database or through LDAP & AD. It maintains a database of registered applications and permissions on a user-application basis to restrict users to their approved applications.
Framework using Zend PPO
This project created a framework incorporating input filtering and PPO database connections to minimise form attacks. It also incorportes the Centralized Applicatio Login.
UCOP Content Management System
This custom made CMS runs 3 UCOP informational web sites:
UC Newsroom,
UC en Espanol, and
Science Today. I implemented the system on a custom framework using PEAR DataObjects and the Smarty Templating system. The sites include articles using both audio and video media. The Archives for all three sites were also incorporated providing a history back to 1996. Accessibility issues were quite important to this project.
Multi-Campus Research Units Database
This project produced a database and interface to keep track of the various multi-campus research projects sponsored by the University. It includes data on the people, research units, the research unit committees and the committee meetings, as well as performing as a document repository for all the related documents.
UCOP Content Management System
This custom made CMS runs 3 UCOP informational web sites:
UC Newsroom,
UC en Espanol, and
Science Today. I implemented the system on a custom framework using PEAR DataObjects and the Smarty Templating system. The sites include articles using both audio and video media. The Archives for all three sites were also incorporated providing a history back to 1996. Accessibility issues were quite important to this project.
This is an information site for UCOP employees. The new site redesign will be going live the end of January. My portion of this was to redo some of the benefit calculators into the new look and feel and to produce a new Total Compensation Calculator for the wages section.
This PHP/mySQL based web application includes an extensive data entry, retrieval and reporting systems. It is designed to allow registered users at the different campuses of the UC system to input data on gifts to UC in two different accounting methods (Cash and Accrual). I have performed maintenance and significant upgrades to system.
Server Systems
UCOP runs a large number of servers to maintain our web and LAN systems. This application runs a database which tracks information about the individual servers. I was responsible for the complete implementation of the application.
Academic Senate Legislative Affairs
This was a redevelopment of a prior application for a new customer, tying the Academic Senate data to the Governmental Affairs Office data. Also included was installation and considerable modification of an forum board for the Academic Senate to discuss the Legislation.
Freelance Programming
Years Employed:
1997 - current
Baltimore Md and Rohnert Park CA
This job consists of Web and Applications Development, Programming in Perl, PHP, MySQL, HTML, XHTML, DHTML and LINGO, and also Linux LAN Administration. Completed Projects include:
Web sites
Website List and Descriptions
Commercial interactive application
displaying bowling alley furniture (place and move the furniture in a simulated alley end.)
Commercial application
CD Labeler (place art and text and print onto Label paper.)
Educational application
simulation of nerves and hormones affecting heart rate and blood pressure.
Sr. Programmer
Years Employed:
2000 - current
Red Hill Studios, Sausalito, CA 94965
This position was primarily Object Oriented Programming for Web and CD. We also did real time image manipulation with a custom controller using ActiveX for Kiosks. The technologies utilized include JavaScript, HTML , Shockwave, FLASH, VBScript, and VisualBasic. Teamwork was essential, as was coordination with the other contributors. Project include:
National Institute of Drug Awareness CD
Getting 8th graders to learn about the effects of drugs in an interactive game format.
Playing with Time – Museum Kiosks
Showing different aspects and layers of time and time scale. Programmed in LINGO and VB, these kiosks make the centerpiece of a traveling museum sponsored by the Minnesota Natural History Museum. The project included real time image manipulation as well as several different interface devices including some specialty interfaces.
California State Capital Tour Web site, CD and hand-held tour, this product includes 360 degree QTVR viewing to give an all around view of the capital.
Chem Place
educational CD and Web site - CD designed to be put in the back of a college level text book on Chemistry. Private web site built in support of the book and CD.
Physiology Place
educational CD and Web site – CD designed to be put in the back of a college level text book on Physiology. Private web site built in support of the book and CD.
Template System
Extended the code base with an object oriented template system for easy development of activities.
General Manager
Years Employed: 1988 - 98
American Stone-Mix, Inc. Baltimore, MD
I was responsible for all phases of the project from initial idea through full implementation to daily operations. This project began by defining the business requirements and specifications of the customers, and progressed through roll out to over-site of daily operations. During implementation, my responsibilities included complete project planning, system design and specification, coordination and communication among several internal teams, negotiation and hire of contractors, capital equipment planning, and quality assurance inspection and testing. The primary planning tool used during this phase of the project was MS Project.
After Roll out, I was responsible for all activities of the ongoing business unit. This job included sales and bidding, production and supply, operations, budget and capital expenditures, and all personnel issues. I was also responsible for resolving/solving any and all problems within the division, communication/coordination with other corporate divisions, the board of directors, and the president of the company. Division staffing grew to 22. We maintained the highest net profit percentage in the company for 10 years and grew the division to sales of $2.5 million/year. We maintained an average 4 hour to completion response time on customer service requests.
Technical Director
Years Employed: 1988 - 97
American Stone-Mix, Inc. Baltimore, MD
In this position, I was responsible for all research, development, and QC/QA projects in the company. I coordinated these activities in 14 corporate sites covering the northeast quarter of the United States. I personally handled over 20 projects upgrading company activities, solving problems, streamlining work flow and introducing new products and/or services. I acted as trouble shooter in response to customer and internal problems and complaints, up to and including personal on-site response. I was also responsible for the Help Desk for both internal and external customers.
Director of Research
Years Employed: 1985 - 88
Genstar Stone Products Baltimore, MD
Responsible for all research and development functions in the
company. Staff of 3 engineers and 2 technicians. Obtained 2 patents.
Research Lab Manager
Years Employed: 1984 - 85
Master Builders, Inc. Cleveland, Ohio
Responsible for R&D projects from conception through product release. Staff of 2 engineers and 1 technician.
Plant QC Lab Manager
Years Employed: 1980 - 84
Set Products, Inc. Streetsboro, Ohio
Responsible for Quality of all products produced at plant. Staff of 3 technicians. Achieved 6 month - zero defect production.